How to become a member

We welcome individuals active in mission-related fields including:

  1. a past and present record of clinical activity or research, and
  2. a letter of support by two active members of the society.

Persons interested in becoming an active member can download the VasCog membership application form and return it to with:


  1. a short CV,
  2. a list of published papers, and
  3. a letter of support by two active members of the society. If you do not have letter of support, you can state that the application can be reviewed by the Executive Committee, and two of its members can then give support to the application.
Rights and Privileges of Active Members

Active members may participate in the business sessions of the Society and may vote (e.g regarding place of venue, members in the committees and other matters). All active members are eligible for election to office in the Council. Active members also have the privilege to take part in the Discussion Forum through the website and in the Working Groups.

For details, see paragraph 4 in the by-laws.

Membership fees
Renew your membership – regular

We would ask all members when renewing their subscription to pay for 3 years (total £150). These funds are vital to the continued success of the organisation, and of course members will receive a substantial discount on registration fees for VasCog conferences in addition to voting rights and the right to be nominated as an office bearer. Paying these reasonable fees for 3 years at once offers a considerable saving to the individual and is very helpful to the society for its financial planning.

Renew your membership – student

We invite students, when renewing, to pay for 2 years (total £60).

Other ways to pay

Direct bank transfer to the VasCog Society account:

Barclays Bank, UK
Sort code: 20 59 97
Account number: 33028143
IBAN: GB25BARC20599733028143

Please use your full name as the reference so we can identify your subscription

International cheque

Make payable to “VasCog Society” and send to “VasCog Society, c/o Prof RN Kalaria, Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University, Campus for Ageing and Vitality, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 5PL, United Kingdom”

Please ensure the cheque is in UK pounds.

Receive a reminder of your membership number
